Restaurants, Diners, Cafe's, Grills & Inns

Name Address/Comments Photo(s)
Please Note: We have hundreds of photos and data files to sort. The files and additions will be added in batches after editing.
Additionally, many 'Pages' contain photos/info of several businesses, while other 'Pages' centers on one business.
For Taverns, Package Stores, Bars, Lounges & Clubs...............
For Deli's, Sub/Pizza Shops, Soda Fountains, Curb Service,
Drive-Ins Misc.............................................................................
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The many businesses of 110 S. West Street
• 1836-Harlan & Hollingsworth
• 2001-04-01---2005 Back Stage Café
• 2005 08-17---2008 Conley Wards
• 2008-03-26---2010 C. W. Harborside
• 2010-07-06---2018 FireStone Roasting House
• 2018-04-28- Docklands Riverfront
The many businesses of
729 Union Street
• The Tub - 1950-1980
During this time, "The Tub" was originally a self-service launderette
• Cantina - 1980-1998
• Dave's World -1998
• Kokopelli's Bar & Grille 1998-2000
• Hot Tamales Bar & Grille 2000-2005
• Straight Jackets Comedy Club - 2000-2006
• Pomodoro Ristorante Italiano - 2006-2011
• Pizzapazza - 2012-2014
• Bella Luna Ristorante - 2015-2017
• Strauss Bar & Eatery - 2017
• Stone Oven - 2017-
1101 Restaurant 1101 West Street Yes
2020 Naamans Road
Restaurants that have occupied this location
NOTE: The story of King Gambrinus, that once occupied a space in front of the restaurants here, will be covered elsewhere on this site.
• Brownie's - 1937 to 1938
• Cedar Inn - 1938 to 1961
• Kings Inn Tavern - 1962 to 1970
• vacant 1971
• The Inn - 1972 to 1975
• Smugglers Inn - 1975 to 1977. The name was changed to Old Admiral's Inn to avoid infringing on the trademark of a chain of restaurants.
• Old Admiral's Inn - 1977 to 1988
• Harry's Savoy Grill - 1988 to present
2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center • Colony House, Opened 1951-1953
• Later, Fairfax Restaurant, Lou "Pop" Shivone, owner, 1953-1963
• Ginas Fairfax Restaurant, 1963-1968
• Campari, 1969-1970
• Tower of London, English Restaurant, 1970-1973
• Seafood Den, 1973-1974
• Ro Mel's, Romel's Inn, 1974-1998
• La Tolteca, 1999-2018, Closed due to insect infestation, relocated to 4147 Concord Pike.
2605 Philadelphia Pike
(The location of several restaurants)
• 1953-1957 American Legion, R. C. du Pont Post
• 1957-1960 Fabian's Restaurant
• 1960-1963 Pillar's
• 1964 Captain Earl's
• 1964-1970 Coach & Four
• 1970-1971 Picciotti's North
• 1972-1973 Farmhouse Restaurant
• 1973-1977 Skip Wright's Coach House
• 1977-1979 The New Coach House
• 1980-1999 The Coach House
• 1999-2002 Claymont Diner
• 2002-2003 The Coach House
• 2003-2009 Crerand Ale House
• 2009-2012 Bourbon Street Grill
• 2013 Destroyed by fire
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5 O'Clock Diner 2nd & Shipley Streets
Opened in 1952
A. & C. Restaurant 500 Delaware Avenue Yes
Ackie's Cafe 219 W. 8th Street Yes
Acropolis Diner Concord Pike Yes
Adolph's Cafe 506 Maryland Avenue Yes
Airport Inn DuPont Parkway Yes
Alexander's Seafare Branmar Plaza Yes
Alfredo's 1208-1210 Market Street Yes
Alley Restaurant, The 1206 N. Union Street Yes
Alyson's Restaurant • Newark
• Kirkwood Highway
Once known as "Chicken + Pizza"
Alpine Room (aka Golden Greek Alpine Room) 835 King Street
Open 1956-1979
American Bar & Grill 700 King Street, Radisson Hotel
Opened 1987
Andreoli's Cafe 522 W. 2nd Street Yes
Angles Restaurant Basin Road Plaza Yes
Annone, Pasquale Lunch Room 603 Lincoln Street Yes
Anthony's 805-807 Shipley Street, and 913 Shipley Street, 2000-2001
Previously, Shipley Grill (q.v.)
Anthony's Restaurant/Pub 1000 Churchmans Road, 1986-1992
Later, short-lived Metro Grille (1993-1995), then Michael's (1995)
Antonio's Cafe 200 W. 9th Street, New Castle Yes
Arner's 215 DuPont Highway
Later The Legend
Arsenal on the Green Restaurant New Castle, -1980 Yes
Ashby's Clam Bar 3801 Kennett Pike
Formerly The Polo Club
ATC (Air Transport Command) 121 N. DuPont Highway, New Castle Yes
See Ristorante Attilio
B & G Restaurant operated by Jack Green, 1944
• 3006 Governor Printz Boulevard
• 2110 New Road, Elsmere, 1951
B & O Restaurant/Lunch Counter 1707 Delaware Avenue
Owner, Theodore Toufanides, opened it in 1920 and in 1928, he relocated to 1616 Delaware Avenue. John Constantinou bought the restaurant in 1950.
Back Burner Hockessin Corner
Old Lancaster Pike & Mill Creek Road, Hockessin, 1980-
Backstage Café 110 S. West Street
The first restaurant to occupy the old Harlan & Hollingsworth building
Ball's, Sports Bar & Restaurant 916 Orange Street Yes
Bar-H-Chuck House Route 40, North East, MD Yes
Bar-B-Q Cellar 404 E. 7th Street Yes
Barn Door 845 Tatnall Street Yes
Barnaby's Seafood House Newark & Chadds Ford Yes
Beeches Restaurant 748 E Chestnit Hill Road Yes
Beefy's • DuPont Highway
• Kirkwood Highway
Beijing House Restaurant 618 Union Street, 1994-1996
Formerly Ming Gardens Restaurant, 1987-1991
Future Dead President's Pub
Bella Luna 2016 Union Street Yes
Benny's Cafe 519 East 4th Street Yes
Bernell's Restaurant 522 S. Market Street, 1979-1982
Formerly 'The Ranch House', 1966-1974
Bernie's Tavern 10 E. 2nd Street Yes
Berry's Governor Printz Blvd & Miller Road, Claymont Yes
Betty & Bob's Restaurant Delaware Avenue & Jackson Yes
Birmingham Grill US Rts. 1 & 202
In 1995, the diner itself was moved to Lake Tahoe, CA.
Black Cat Tea Room State Road Yes
Bluebird Inn DuPont Highway, Minquadale Yes
Blue Bore Inn Miller Road, Arden Yes
Blue Hen Luncheonette 4th & Monroe Streets, opened 1937, closed 1952(?) Yes
Blue Lantern Restaurant Opened in mid-1970s
4303 Kirkwood Highway
In 1981, The Hunter's Den purchased the business
Blue Lantern Restaurant 9th & Tatnall Streets Yes
Blue Moon Restaurant 919 Orange Street Yes
Bomba's Buffet De-La-Warr Motel, DuPont Highway Yes
Bon-Bon Rt. 40, Pennsgrove, NJ Yes
BonFire, The 323 Delaware Avenue (& West Street)
1964 to 1968
Bourbon Street Grill Formerly, Crerand Ale House, 2009-2012
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
Bourbon Street Cafè 105 Kirkwood Square, Kirkwood Highway, Milltown Yes
Brandywine Club Routes 1 & 202, Chadds Ford, PA
Opened 1975, closed 1983
Previous location of the Continental Safari (q.v.)
Brandywine Diner Northeast Boulevard Yes
Britts Pub 914 Orange Street (Lower level Copper Kettle) Yes
Brown Derby 7010 Covernor Printz Blvd Yes
Brownie's 1937 to 1938, 2020 Naamans Road Yes
Brownie's Tavern New Castle Avenue Yes
Buckley's Tavern 5812 Kennett Pike, Centerville Yes
Burgundy Grill 1330 King Street Yes
Bush's Crab House 1204 Centerville Road
Behind Steve's
Butch's Cafe 106-108 W. 7th Street Yes
C. W. Harborside 110 S. West Street
The third restaurant to occupy the old Harlan & Hollingsworth building
Cactus Bar & Grill 4723 Concord Pike Village Yes
Cafe Grande Opposite Pennsylvania Station Yes
Cafe Riviera Concord Mall, 1981-2020 Yes
Campari's See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center
Captain Earl's 1964
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
Captain's Log 114 Delaware Street, New Castle Yes
Casa Mia Concord Pike Yes
Catherine Rooney's Irish Pub & Restaurant Opened in 2002
1616 Delaware Avenue
Formerly, Constantinou's House Of Beef
Cave, The 1700 W 14th Street Yes
Cedar Inn, Inc 1938-1961
2020 Naamans Road
Central Restaurant 826 Market Street, a fire destroyed the building in 1961 Yes
Chadds Ford Inn US Rt. 1
Dates back to 1703
Chadwick's Emporium 916 Orange Street, 1983-1984, open for 18 months
Previously, Copper Kettle 1960-1982
Later: • Tequilas Mexican 1985-1987
• Veterans Sports Bar 1991-1992
• Porters 1992-1993
• Scuba 1993-1994
• Churchill's 1996-
Chateau Restaurant 154 N. DuPont Highway Yes
Chanticleer Restaurant 8th & Union Streets Yes
Charcoal Pit • Concord Pike, opened in 1956 and enlarged in 1957
• Boxwood Shopping Center, Maryland Avenue, 1959
• Pike Creek Bowling Center, 1988
• Route 40, Bear, Delaware, 1991
• Main Street, Newark, 2000
• Kirkwood Highway & Greenbank Road, 2000
Chef's Diner Opened in 1958
316 S. Maryland Avenue
Chet's Restaurant 203-205 W. 8th Street
A grease fire in the kitchen occured on opening day, September 1957
Formerly known as Jimmy's Restaurant
ChesDel Diner Opened 1979, closed 2018
Constructed from two diners. One, the Country Girl Diner (q.v.) from Wilmington and the second, the Viking Diner (q.v.) from Hare's Corner, New Castle.
Chicken Holiday 1112 New Road, Elsmere Yes
Christy's Restaurant US Rts. 1 & 202
Theodore Christy opened 1929. Early 1960s, it became Crossroads
Chuck Wagon • 4301 Kirkwood Highway, 1952-1982
Followed by:
• Remington's, 1987-1990
• Jordan's Restaurant, 1992-1993
• Zia's Pastaria, 1993-1994
• Italian Bistro, 1994-2007
• Applebee's Restaurant, 2008-current
Chuck Wagon Reunion, 2009 Photos

Churchill's Beef & Beer 916 N. Orange Street, 1996-
Previous, • Copper Kettle 1960-1982
• Chadwicks 1983-1984 (q.v.)
• Tequilas Mexican 1985-1987
• Veterans Sports Bar 1991-1992
• Porters 1992-1993
• Scuba 1993-1994
City Limits Restaurant 1986-1988
3301 Lancaster Pike, The Cannery
Claymont Diner 1999-2002
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
Club 14 1801 W 14th Street, 1951-
See Kid Shelleen's
Coach House Restaurant 1980-1999 - Returned 2002-2003
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
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Coach 'N Four Open 1964 - 1970
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
Coffee Shop, The 2605 Philadelphia Pike Yes
Columbus Inn 2216 Pennsylvania Avenue
Dating back to 1890, when the first liquor license was applied; it changed ownership several times. In 1953, it was bought by David Stockwell, an antique dealer. It was once thought to become an apartment house, a restaurant and a bowling alley. In 1955, it was sold to S. & S. Builders, headed by Wallace Sezna, with plans to turn it into a restaurant. In 1985, a fire caused enough damage to close the restaurant for several months. It closed in 2007, only to be purchased in 2009 by the Capano family and remodeled into what it is today.
Colombo's 421 Shipley Street Yes
Colony House See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center
Comegy's Oyster House 919 Shiplet Street Yes
Concord Diner 2904 Concord Pike @ McDaniel Heights Yes
Confetti Restaurant & Bar Independence Mall, Concord Pike, 1990-
Former location of H.A. Winston
Conley-Wards 110 E. West Street, Riverfront
The second restaurant to occupy the old Harlan & Hollingsworth building
Constantinou's House Of Beef 1616 Delaware Avenue
Originally called B & O Restaurant, John Constantinou bought the restaurant in 1950. In 1960, he renamed it Constaninou's House of Prime Ribs. John died in 1962 and his son George took over. George, renamed it to Constaninou's House of Beef and later to Constaninou's House of Beef & Seafood. In the 1970s, he added two additional dining rooms and created the nightclub George's Next Door from the old Cann, Inc. printing business. Due to health problems from spending long days at his business, he sold the restaurant in 1986 to the Jet Group. The Jet Group itself, filed for bankruptcy in 1993 and closed the business.
Copper Kettle • 204 W. 10th Street, owned by the Leounes family, opened in 1956. Later relocated to 916 Orange Street.
William Brittingham took over the business in 1977 but his business went bankrupt in 1982
Cosmos Diner John Alexopoulos opened it in 1981
316 S. Maryland Avenue
Country Girl Diner 713 Lancaster Avenue (Front Street @ Maryland Avenue)
Opened in 1956. Earl Lester bought the Country Girl Diner (q.v) and moved it in 1977 to his farm and combined it with the old Viking Diner (q.v), which became the front section of the ChesDel Restaurant on the north-bound US 13, just south of the St. Georges Bridge.
Coyote Café 1801 Lancaster Avenue, 1989-1994
Previously Del Rose II, Delle Donnes and Remedios
C.R. Hooligan's 1616 Delaware Avenue, Trolley Square
Opened 2006-2014
Crab Shack Du Pont Highway Yes
Crerand Ale House Opened 2004, closed 2009
Formerly The Coach House
2605 Philadelphia Pike
Crisconi Oyster Bar 835 King Street, opened January 1951
Formerly known as the New York Oyster Bar
Cross Roads Diner State Road, Rt 40 & Rt 13
1951-1965; later Pinero Restaurant (q.v.)
Crossroads Restaurant 4579 Kirkwood Highway, 2001-2020
Previous locatation of Howard Johnson's, 1964-2001
Crossroads Restaurant Rt 896, Village of New London, Newark Yes
Crossroads Restaurant US Rts. 1 & 202
Previously, Christy's Restaurant
Crystal Cafe 701 N Union Street, 1944
Later, to be called Palas, q.v.
Crystal Inn Graylyn Shopping Center, Marsh & Silverside Roads Yes
Cully's 403 Philadelphia Pike Yes
Cuisines 200 Wilmington Chester Pike Yes
Cynthia's Restaurant 2006 Pennsylvania Avenue, -1997
Later, Casa D'Amici, 1997-
D & L Seafood House 3734 Kirkwood Highway Yes
Dan Dee Restaurant 30th & Gov. Printz Blvd.
Milk Bar opened 1948
Drive-In opened 1951
Davey Jones Locker 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue Yes
David Finney Inn 216 Delaware Streets
Dates back to 1685
Opened 1985, closed 2000
Reopened again in 2001 as The David Finney Inn, closed 2005
• Chef's Table opened 2005, closed 2007
• Watermark Tavern open 2008, closed 2008
• Jack's Bistro opened 2010, closed mid-2010s
• Sonora opened in 2019
Dead Presidents Restaurant 618 Union Street, 1997- Yes
Deep Blue Bar & Grill 111 W. 11th Street
Opened 1998, renamed Tonic Bar & Grille, 2015
Deer Head Hot Dogs • 621 Shipley Street (1935-1969)
• 703 Orange Street (1969-2001)
• 3301 Lancaster Pike, Cannery (1981-2010)
• 1902 W. 6th Street
• 3730 Kirkwood Highway
• 1011 S. College Avenue
• 204 W. 10th Street
• 620 Maryland Avenue (1964-)
• Dewey Beach
Deer Park Inn Newark Yes
Delaware Dining Room State Roads, Rt. 13 & Rt. 49 Yes
Delaware Lunch 104 W 10th Street
Del Collo 500 N. Union Strteet Yes
Del Grosso Restaurant Opened in 1933, closed in 1973
802 N. Union Street
Del Haven Cafe 925 Orange Street, open for 36 years Yes
Delle Donne's 1801 Lancaster Avenue, 1979-1980
Charlie D's Disco was downstairs
Previously Remedio's
Del Rose Restaurant 1707 Delaware Avenue Yes
Del Rose II Restaurant 1801 Lancaster Avenue, 1982-1988
Previously Delle Donnes and Remedios
Deluxe Luncheonette E. Main Street, Newark
Deptula’s Lancaster Avenue & Harrison Street
DiNardo's 405 N. Lincoln Streets, 1941-1999 Yes
Ding-Ho Restaurant 615 Shipley Street Yes
Dino's Restaurant 217 W 9th Street Yes
Docklands Riverfront 110 S. West Street
The fifth restaurant to occupy the old Harlan & Hollingsworth building
Dog House • 1200-1202 DuPont Highway, opened 1952
• Concord Pike, opened 1964, closed 1979
Drummer's Table Price Bowling Lanes
Kirkwood Highway & Prices Corner
Duke's Christiana Mall Yes
Dutch Diner Hare's Corner, New Castle, 1972-
Formerly the Viking Diner
Dutch Tavern 3125 New Castle Avenue Yes
Dutch Village Diner Yes
Eagle Lounge 106 W. 10th Street Yes
Eagle Restaurant 9th & Shipley Streets Yes
Eagle's Nest Restaurant Pike Creek Valley at the Country Club Yes
Earl's Diner Northeast Boulevard Yes
Eating Post 1200 Pulaski Highway, Rt 40, 1954-1998 Yes
Eclipse Restaurant 1020 N Union Street
Ed's Newport Diner 101 W. Market Street, Newport Yes
Eddies 801 E 7th Street Yes
Efes Diner & Restaurant 800 N. DuPont Highway Yes
Embassy Lovering Avenue (see Gallucchio's)
Embassy Delicatessen 3 E. 4th Street Yes
Embers 1208 Market Street Yes
English Grill 913 Market Street, 1946-1968
Sold to Lewis Stat, owner of 1101 Restaurant (q.v.), 1964
In 1968, Lewis Stat sold it to Robert Piana, owner of Piana Caterers and rename it to Piana Grill. The Piana Grill was briefly renamed La Dolce Vita but closed in 1977.
The building was demolished in 1979.
Enright's Restaurant 605 Shipley Street Yes
Essex Restaurant • 8th & Orange Streets
• 219 W. 8th Street (relocated late 1980s)
Evergreen, The 703 Concord Avenue Yes
Evergreen Cafe, see 'Bernie's Tavern' 10 E. 2nd Street
Fabian's Restaurant Opened 1957, closed 1960
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
Fagans Soda Grille 1701 Union Street Yes
Fairfax Restaurant See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center Yes
Far East Restaurant 219 W 8th Street Yes
Far East Tea Garden 207 W 9th Street Yes
Farmhouse Restaurant Opened 1972, closed 1973
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
Farmer 'N Dell Restaurant • 1800 Naamans Road, destroyed by fire to later become Alyson's, now a sport's gym
• US Rt. 202
• Price's Corner
• Rt. 40, Glasgow
Fiorentino's Cafe Restaurant 405 N. Lincoln Street, 1939-1941 Yes
Firestone Roasting House 110 S. West Street
The fourth restaurant to occupy the old Harlan & Hollingsworth building
First State Diner Front Street @ Maryland Avenue
Until the late 1950s, then it was the Country Girl Diner
The Country Girl Diner was moved in 1979 and became the front section of the ChesDel Restaurant on the north-bound US 13, just south of the St. Georges Bridge.
Five O'Clock Diner 10 W. 2nd Steet
Fork & Cork 1801 Lancaster Avenue, 1995-1996, foreclosure auction
Previously Coyote, Del Rose II, Delle Donnes and Remedios
Fox Point Grille Lea Blvd.
Front Porch Restaurant 232 Philadelphia Pike, Bellefonte, 1980-2003
Destroyed by fire. Previously, The Pump House
From's Restaurant Prices Corner, Kirkwood Highway
Became Kirkwood Inn, 1955
Frostop Drive-Inn Restaurant Formerly Gibson's
1809 Kirkwood Highway
Fulton House Formerly Perry's Tavern
Concord Pike
G & G (Gus & Gus) Restaurant 2012 Market Streets, 1938-
Gallucchio's Lovering Avenue (see Embassy)
1709 Lovering Avenue
-1985 3301 Lancaster Avenue, The Cannery
Gamiel Brothers 13-17 E 7th Street Yes
Garden Restaurant Union Street at 2nd Street Yes
Gateway Restaurant DuPont Highway Yes
Gene's Cafe 105 W 7th Street Yes
George's Next Door
See 'Taverns, Bars, Pubs'
Delaware Avenue YES
George's Restaurant Rt 40 & Landing Road, Elkton, MD Yes
Gepetto's Restaurant Broom Street & Maryland Avenue Yes
Gerardo's Pizza Restaurant • 111 W. 8th Street, 1983-
• 104-106 N. Union Street
• 114 N. Union Street, 1984-
Giordano's Restaurant 114 N. Union Street, 1978-1984 Yes
Glasgow Arms Restaurant Rts. 896 & 40 Yes
Gina's Fairfax Restaurant See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center
Golden Greek Alpine Room Restaurant 835 King Street, 1956-1979
Golden Point Kirkwood Highway
Govatos 403 Market Street (1894-1914)
8th & Market Streets (1910-2020)
3013 Lancaster Avenue (1975-1979)
3101 Concord Pike & Silverside Road
(Talleyville Shopping Center) (1979-2024)
#1 #2
Governor Printz Diner/Inn 7010 Governor Printz Boulevard, 1953-1960 Yes
Grecian Diner Marina Klezaras opened it in late 1940s
U.S. 13, south of Hares Corner
Green Frog 114 Delaware Street, Old New Castle
Closed in 1996
Green Room, The
The Pappas Hotel
5 E 4th Street Yes
Grey Fox Restaurant & Pub 2667 Kirkwood Highway, 2005-2010
Later, Argilla Brewing Company, 2012
Grill Room, Hotel du Pont Yes
Ground Round Restaurant • 1101 Philadelphia Pike
• 801 S. College Avenue & Chestnut Hill Road, 1979-
H. A. Winston • 1601 Concord PIke, Independence Mall, 1977-
• Grainery Station, 100 Elkton Road, Newark, 1978-1986
Hammeles Pub 1008 Wilmington Avenue (Kirkwood Highway)
Hank's Place Rt. 1, Chadds Ford
Hank's Place Rt. 40
Harmony Cafe 5 E 4th Street Yes
Harry's Savoy Grill 2020 Naamans Road Yes
Harry's Seafood Grill 101 S Market Street, Riverfront Yes
Harvest House Concord Mall Yes
Harvey's Diner Opened in 1955
316 S. Maryland Avenue
Haywood's Restaurant 2006 Market Streets, 1929-1955
Hearns Restaurant 2008 Market Street Yes
Hein's Plaid Room Hosted by the Hein brothers, formerly of The Black Cat
803 N Union Street
Helen's Cafe 215-217 E. Front Street, -1980 Yes
Helen's Cafe 1025 Chestnut Street Yes
Helen's Sausage House US Route 13 Yes
Hi Ho Tavern 2 West Market Street, Newport
Later, James Street Tavern
Hickory House 154 N. DuPont Highway Yes
Hidden Hearth 270 Main Street, Newark
HOB Tea Room, The Delaware Trust Building Yes
Holiday Inn 1843 Marsh Road Yes
Holly Oak House 1312 Philadelphia Pike Yes
Hollywood Diner Concord Avenue and Market Street
Later moved to U.S. 40 between Glasgow and Elkton, MD
Holts Quick Lunch 5 E. 4th Street Yes
Hop, The 4542 Kirkwood Highway Yes
Horn & Hardarts Restaurant Merchandise Mart Yes
Horne's Crown Room 1110 S College Avenue & Rt 896 Yes
Hotel DuPont Cafeteria and Soda Shop Hotel DuPont Yes
Hotel Rodney Rainbow Room
12th & Market Streets
Howard Johnson's • Gov. Printz Boulevard, Edge Moor, Opened 1941
• Hare's Corner, DuPont Boulevard, Opened 1942
• Fairfax, Concord Pike, opened in 1956
• Kirkwood Highway & Limestone Road, opened in 1960
Hoxter's 1801 W. 14th Street, 1981-1983
• See Kid Shelleen's
Hughie McCorkle's 8 E 2nd Street Yes
Hugo's Inn US Rt. 1, Kennett Square, 1969-2007 Yes
Hummingbird to Mars 1616 Delaware Avenue, 2009-
Hunter Cafeteria Delaware Trust Building, 1955-1980 Yes
Hunter's Den 3517 Kirkwood Highway
Opened in 1981 at the old Blue Lantern location, 4303 Kirkwood Highway. Relocated to Old Capitol Trail in 1990 when Kirkwood Highway was widened.
Ibach's 1801 W. 14th Street, 1934-1950
See Kid Shelleen's
Ideal Diner Operated 1948-1960
4 E 4th Street
Operated as the Broker's Realty Exchange business for a short time. The diner was demolished in the early 2000s.
Il Pescatore 1450 Kirkwood Highway Yes
Imperial Inn Concord Pike, 1983- Yes
Inn, The 1972-1976
2020 Naamans Road
Ironhill Brewing & Restaurant Newark (1996) and Wilmington Riverfront (2003) Yes
Ivystone Restaurant 4542 Kirkwood Highway Yes
Ivy Tea Room John Wanamaker's Yes
Jack Lundy's Satellite Room Lundy sold his business in 1983
202 W. 2nd Street, 1953-
3604 Miller Road Shopping Center, 1959-1987
Jackie Horner's Cafe 631 Jefferson Street Yes
Jackson Inn Previously, Conestoga Inn, aka, "Two-Mile Inn"
101 DuPont Road
James Street Tavern 2 West Market Street, Newport
Previously, the Hi-Ho Tavern
Jasmine Restaurant 3618 Concord Pike, 2003-
Jay Hurley's Cafe Continental 3031 New Castle Avenue Yes
Jerry's Drive-In Du Pont Parkway Yes
Jerry's Kirkwood Inn Kirkwood Highway & Newport Gap Pike Yes
Jessops Tavern & Colonmial Restaurant Previously the Green Frog
114 Delaware Street, Old New Castle
Jimmie's Cafe 3050 New Castle Avenue Yes
Jimmy's Diner Jimmy Copoulos opened it in the 1950s
Main Street, Newark - Closed in 2008
Jimmy's Restaurant 203-205 W. 8th Street, 1946-1948, then moved to 310 Walnut Street
Later operated as Chet's Restaurant
Jimmy's Restaurant 703 Philadelphia Pike
John L's Cafe S. Heald Street
Johnny's Cafe 215 N Van Buren Street Yes
Johnson's Tea Room Marsh Road Yes
Katie's Restaurant 1936-2014
1800 W. 6th Street
Silvio Spiezio bought a tap room and made it into an Italian Restaurant. In 1945, he sold it to the Fugilino family who sold it to two schoolteachers in 1977. Two years later, they sold it to Katie's Restaurant, Inc., founded by several Wilmington businessmen. In 1985, it was sold to William and Cynthia Bartoshesky. Later, it was also the location for Wings To Go At Katie's and C.J. Barts. In 2014, the building was demolished for new townhouses.
Kelley's St. George's
Kelly's Logan House 1701 Delaware Avenue, 1864-
In the 1880's, William Mahler was the proprietor
John D. Kelly purchased the Logan House in 1889. Kelly was a wellknowned businessman who was involved in hotel's and catering. He renovated the building to include nineteen furnished sleeping rooms. For a short time in the mid-1930s, Walt Poirier was involved in the business before opening his own restaurants, curb service snd drive-ins (Spic 'N Span).
Kenny Rogers Roasters Restaurant • Concord Pike, opened and closed in less than a year
• Rt 40, Bear
• Meadowowood Shoppinf Center, Kirkwood Highway
Kent Manor Inn 1051 S. Market Street Yes
Kid Shelleens 1801 W. 14th Street, 1984-
• Hoxter's, 1981-1983
• The Station, 1978
• Nu-Inn, 1970-1976
• Martins Steak House, 1960-1970
• Club 14, 1951-
• Ibach's, 1934-1950
Kings Inn Tavern 2020 Naamans Road, 1962-1970
See 2020 Naamans Road above
Kirkwood Inn Prices Corner, 3403 Kirkwood Highway
Opened 1955, formerly From's Restaurant
John & Fred Gamiel, managers. Gamiels also operate Gamiel Brothers, 13-17 E 7th Street
Kirkwood Kitchen Meadowood Shopping Center, Kirkwood Highway Yes
Knucklehead's Saloon 1206-1210 Washington Street, 1991-1993
Kooma Sushi & Lounge Bar 400 Justison Street, Riverfront, 2009-2016 Yes
Korner Diner Main Street, Newark Yes
Kozy Corner Restaurant 426 Delaware Avenue, later at 906 Union Street.
Fouinded in 1922 by John Vouras and Pete Laskaris. John's son Nick took over the business after his fathers death in 1964. The original location was raised in 1984 to make way for the Sheraton Suites. The Union Street location opened in 1993.
La Casa Pasta Rt. 896 & Four Seasons Parkway Yes
La Dolce Vita 913 Market Street, 1977
Previously, The English Grill and most recently, Piane's Grill
La-Guitar-Blu Rt 40, Bear Yes
Lamberti's Cucina • 1300 Centerville Road
• 514 Philadelphia Pike
Lambros Continental Gardens, Phidelphia Pike & Harvey Road Yes
Lamplighter's Inn 44th & Market Streets Yes
LaRocca Italian Restaurant Fairfax Shopping Center Yes
La Tolteca See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center
Lenape Inn Rt 52, Pennsylvania Yes
Leonard's Steak Shop 220 Union Street
Leoune's Town Talk 211 W 11th Street, 1950-1983 Yes
Linden Grill Linden & Jackson Streets
Little Anthony's 729 Philadelphia Pike Yes
Lloyd's 701 Monroe Street Yes
Lobster Shanty Rt. 13, New Castle Yes
Logan House
See Kelley's Logan House
1701 Delaware Avenue
Lone Star Steakhouse 113 S DuPont Highway Yes
Longhorn Ranch Restaurant US Rt. 1, Glen Mills, PA Yes
Lucilles Restaurant 3000 Market Street Yes
Loump's Kirkwood Diner Kirkwood Highway @ Newport Gap Pike Yes
Lynnhaven Inn 154 N. DuPont Highway Yes
M & M Restaurant, Inc. New Castle County Airport Yes
Madeline's Restaurant 531 N. DuPont Street, 1961-2014 Yes
Majestic Diner Also known as the Trolley Car Diner
Delaware Avenue & Tatnall Street
East Third Street @ Market Street
Marconi Restaurant 1900 Lancaster Avenue
Opened 1944, closed 1985
Reopened as Ristorante Attilio, 1985
Marina's Italian Restaurant Merchants Square
Martelli's Italian Restaurant Branmar Plaza, Marsh & Silverside Roads
Marshall's Merchandise Mart Yes
Martin's Steak House 1801 W. 14th Street, 1960-1970 Yes
Mary's Kountry Kitchen 222 Main Street, Stanton, 1976-
Formerly Michael's Restaurant
Mascagni Restaurant 219 W 7th Street Yes
Mayfield House 1620 Marsh Road, opened 1959, now a Citizen's Bank
1810 Philadelphia Pike, closed in 1972; now a pool management company
Two fires occurred at the Mayfield House; one in 1960 and another in 1963.
McGlynn's Pub & Restaurant 8 Polly Drummond Shopping Center, 1983-
Previously Polly Drummond Ale House, 1972-1983
McSpaddens Restaurant 1101 Philadelphia Pike Yes
MaxiLuna 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue Yes
Memories Restaurant 4712 Limestone Road, Pike Creek Shopping Center Yes
Mendenhall Inn Rt. 52, 1971-1973 Yes
Merrie House Tri-State Mall Yes
Michaels 1000 Churchmans Road, 1992-
Previously Anthony's, 1989-1992
Michaels' Restaurant 222 Main Street, Staton, 1975-1976
Later, Mary's Kountry Kitchen, 1976-, q.v.
Michaels' Restaurant 701 King Street
Midtown Grill 9 E. 4th Street, 1950- Yes
Ming Gardens Restaurant 618 Union Street, 1987-1991
Future Beijing House Restaurant, 1994-1996
Dead President's Pub
Mirage 100 Elkton Road, 1989-
Previous location of H.A. Winston
Mitchell's Restaurant Market Street at 2nd Street Yes
Monferoni's Sandwich Shop 1208-1210 Market Street Yes
Moorish Room 102 French Street, Cafe Grande, Hotel Grande Yes
Moro 1307 N Scott Street
Mr. T's Restaurant Rt 202, Concordville, PA Yes
Mrs. Robino's 520 N. Union Street Yes
Mythos Restaurant 4542 Kirkwood Highway Yes
Naaman's Stone Inn Faulk & Naaman's Roads Yes
Naaman's Tea House (Robinson House) Naaman's Road & Philadelphia Pike Yes
Nakamura of Japan 1987-
1314 Washington Street
Neptune, The 835 King Street, opened 1953
Formerly New York Oyster Bar
Crisconi Oyster bar
New Coach House 1977-1979
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
Page 2
New Garden Cafe 5th & Church Streets Yes
Newport Diner 103 W. Market Street, Newport
Newport Restaurant Greystone Plaza, Newport Yes
New Star Front & King Streets
New York Fish Market & Oyster Bar • 835 King Street
• 803-805 N. Union Street
New York Restaurant 408-410 N. Market Street #1 #2 #3
New York Oyster Bar 835 King Street,
Niblicks Rt 141 & Faulkland Road, Chestnut Run Shopping Center Yes
Nobis Cafeteria 2 E 9th Street Yes
Nu-Inn 1801 W. 14th Street, 1970-1976
See Kid Shelleen's
O'Friel's 706 Delaware Avenue Yes
Old Admiral's Inn 2020 Naamans Road
1977-1988, The name was changed from Smugglers Inn to avoid infringing on the trademark of a chain of restaurants.
Old Courthouse Tea Room The Green, New castle Yes
Old Heildelberg German Beer Garden Naamans & Faulk Roads Yes
Oliver's Restaurant Holiday Inn, Rt 273 Yes
Olympic Cafe 5 E. 4th Street Yes
Olympia Café Damaged by a fire in 1951
5 E. 4th Street
Olympia Restaurant Opened 1955
125 Market Streets
Oscar's Restaurant 703 Market Street Yes
Oven Door Luncheonette 1217 Lincoln Street
Pagoda By The Kumquat Tree Branmar Plaza Shopping Center, Marsh & Silverside Roads Yes
Pala's Cafe' 701 N. Union Street
Previously, Crystal Cafe, q.v.
Pantalone's Restaurant Meadowwood II Shopping Center Yes
Pantano's 802 Newport Pike (Silview), Newport Yes
Pantry Restaurant Church Lane & Philadelphia Pike, Claymont Yes
Pappy's Pizza Restaurants • 2722 Concord Pike
• Cleveland Avenue, Newark
• Kirkwood Highway, 2004-
Park Grill Wawaset & VanBuren Streets
Park Restaurant 3 Winston Avenue, Richardson Park Yes
Parkway Lounge DuPont Highway Yes
Penn Clay Restaurant 1600 Delaware Avenue, 1948-1965
Previously, Pennsylvania Avenue & Clayton Street
Penn Restaurant Penn Mart Shopping Center, Basin Road Yes
Pennrose 42nd & Market Streets
Pepe's Pizza
Peter Pan Diner 201 DuPont Highway at Basin Road
Later, it became part of the Sherwood Diner group
Peterson's House of Fudge Rt. 202, Talleyville Yes
Piana Grill 913 Market Street, 1968-1977
Previously, The English Grill
Picciotti's North Restaurant Opened 1970, closed 1971
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
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Picciotti's Restaurant 1641 W. 4th Street
Opened 1942, closed in 1985 and relocated to 3001 Lancaster Avenue, 1985-1997.
The original location became "Jon B's"
Pillars Inn Opened 1960, closed 1963
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
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Pinero Restaurant State Road, Rt 13 & Rt 40
Opened 1965-
Formerly Cross Roads Diner
Pineroom 7th & King Streets
Pike Restaurant Claymont
Pink Elephant 8th & Union Streets
Plaid Room 803 N. Union Street Yes
Poirier's Restaurant 307-309 Delaware Avenue Yes
Pompeii Restaurant New Castle Yes
Ponderosa Grille Tri-State Mall, I-95 & Naamans Road Yes
Poor Jimmy's Family Restaurant Rt. 40, North East, MD
Formerly The Madison House
Poor Richards Inn 1601 Concord Pike Yes
Poppy's Pub 2667 Kirkwood Highway, 2004-2004
Port To Starboard, seafood restaurant Independence Mall, 1601 Concord Pike, 1984-1986
Port Penn Inn
Porters 916 Orange Street, 1992-1993
Previously: Copper Kettle 1960-1982
Chadwick's Emporium, 1983-1984
Tequilas Mexican 1985-1987
Veterans Sports Bar 1991-1992
Later: Scuba 1993-1994
Churchill's 1996-
Post & Paddock 2667 Kirkwood Highway, 1965
Post House Restaurant • 1722 Pennsylvania Avenue
• 105 N Union Street
• 43rd & Market Streets
• 145 E Main Street, Newark
Powder Mill, The Kennett Pike, Greenville Yes
Presto Restaurant 817 Market Street
4th & Shipley Streets
Printz Diner 7901 Governor Pritz Boulevard, 1957-1963
Pump House 232 Philadelphia Pike, 1977-1979
7901 Governor Pritz Boulevard
Ranch House Restaurant 522 S Market Street, 1955-1985
Ranch House Restaurant 4003 Concord Pike, 1967-1978 Yes
Rainbow Grill Hotel Darling, 1105 Market Street Yes
Rainbow Room Hotel Rodney, 1105 Market Street Yes
Rambleton Inn Christina Road & Prangs Lane
The Red Barn 154 N. DuPont Highway Yes
Red Barn Reastaurant Kirkwood Hwy
Opened in 1964, closed in 1973
A fire in 1968 caused $300,000 damage.
Red Coach Inn 200 Wilmington Chester Pike Yes
Red Lantern Inn Rt. 13, Black Cat Yes
Remedio's 1801 Lancaster Avenue, 1953-1979 Yes
Renai's Restaurant 6th & Union Streets
Restaurant 821 821 N. Market Street Yes
Reynolds Tea Room 703 Market Street, 1911-1971
Originally located at 220 Market Street and changed ownership several times
Richard's 57 Elkton Road, Newark Yes
Ristorante Attilio 1900 Lancaster Avenue
Opened 1985
Previously was Marconi Restaurant
Ristorante Mona Lisa 607 N Lincoln Street Yes
Ritz Restaurant 206 W 10th Street Yes
Road House Restaurant Opened in 1982
802 N. Union Street
Previously Del Grosso (1933) and Casa Angela (1973)
Sold in 1993 to become Walter's Steak House
Ro Mel's, Romel's Inn See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center
Rose Ann Luncheonette 703 Concord Avenue Yes
Rose Hill Inn Formerly Brownie's Tavern
New Castle Avenue
Rose's Diner Opened in 1940
Route 40, Elkton
Royal Oak Opposite the Black Cat Yes
Royal Diner Manuel Pandelakis opened it in 1930s in Camden, NJ but relocated it to Wilmington in 1948, closed in 1981
S. Market and D Streets
Royal Exchange Branmar Plaza, 1978-1983, Purchased by the JET Group, closed 1993, to become Jack Rabbit's
Pike Creek Shopping Center, closed 1993 to become Chaser's Pike Creek
Rudy's Irish Grille 2667 Kirkwood Highway, 2002-2003
Ryon's Restaurant 706 King Street Yes
Sambo's Restaurant 198 DuPont Highway, New Castle Yes
Sam's Restaurant Concord Avenue & Jefferson Street
Sansone's Oyster Bar Opened late 1930s, sold in 1963
304 N. Union Street
Santa Fe Mexican Grill 190 E Main Street, Newark
2006 Pennsylvania Avenue
Savoy Restaurant Open late 1940s, closed in 1978
4 W 5th Street
Schrafft's Restaurant 1968-mid 1980s
I-95 & Rt 273
Scotty's Restaurant 1986-
837 Orange Street
Scuba Restaurant 916 Orange Street, 1993-1994
Previously: • Copper Kettle 1960-1982
• Chadwick's Emporium, 1983-1984
• Tequilas Mexican 1985-1987
• Veterans Sports Bar 1991-1992
• Porters 1992-1993
• Later: Churchill's 1996-
Seafood Den See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center
Seafood Shanty 1959-
7010 Governor Printz Boulevard
Shamrock Room Lord De La Warr Hotel, DuPont Haghway & Memorial Drive Yes
Shellhamer's University Plaza, Newark Yes
Sherwood Diner 1916 W. 4th Street
In the 1950s, it was the Tom Thumb Diner
Other Sherwood Diners were located at:
• South Market Street
• DuPont Highway and Basin Road, previously, the Peter Pan Diner and later, Arner's
• U.S. 40 and DE 896
Shipley Grille 805-807 Shipley Street, and 913 Shipley Street, 1936-2000
Renamed Anthony's, 2000-2001
Siena Inn 2800 Lancaster Avenue, 1964-1968 Yes
Siéna Restaurant 1616 Delaware Avenue Yes
Silk Purse 1307 N Scott Street Yes
Silvio's Spaghetti House 301 S Heald Street, 1946-1952
701 Madison Street, 1952-1961
Sir James Restaurant & Pub The Cannery Shopping Center, 1988-1989 Yes
Skip Wright's Coach House Open 1973-1977
See 2605 Philadelphia Pike
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Smugglers Inn 2020 Naamans Road
1975-1977; The name was changed to Old Admiral's Inn to avoid infringing on the trademark of a chain of restaurants.
Sophie's Sandwich Shop 1836 Lincoln Street
Spic & Span and Walt Poirier's Curb Service Restaurant • 31st & Market Streets
• Penny Hill, 1937
• 1207 Union Street, 1939
• 31st & Market Streets, 1940
• 303-305 then 307-309 Delaware Avenue, 1942
Spinning Wheel Inn • 4817 Governor Printz Boulevard
• Rt. 41, DE-PA State Line
Spirals Restaurant & Bar 4th & Lincoln Streets Yes
Spruce Restaurant & Night Club 8th & Spruce Streets Yes
Stan's YWCA Coffee Shop 908 King Street, Stan Bartkowski, owner, 1973-1989
Also Stan's II, City-County Building
Stan & Toni's Sandwich Shop, 15th @ King & Market Streets
Starting Gate Chestnut Run Shopping Center Yes
Star Restaurant 707 Market Street, 1914-1922 Yes
Starlight Room Hotel Rodney, 1105 Market Street Yes
Stateline Restaurant Route 202
St. Regis Cafe 11 E. 4th Street, 1935-1980 Yes
Steve's Seafood Restaurant 1204 Centerville Road Yes
Steve's 22nd & Market Streets
Stone Oven 1218 N. Union Street
See the many businesses of 729 Union Street
Surrey Inn
Swiss Inn US Rt. 40, Elkton, MD Yes
Szechuan Restaurant 3615 Kirkwood Highway, 1976-2013 Yes
Tally-Ho Restaurant US Rt. 202 & Naamans Road Yes
Tarabicos Family Restaurant 817 Market Street Yes
Tarburton's Diner Gov. Printz Boulevard, Holly Oak Yes
Tequilas 914 Orange Street
Terranova's 4th & Tatnall Streets Yes
Tiffin Restaurant 1208 Market Street, 1980-1997
Toddle House 702 Delaware Avenue, 1940-1982
4100 Market Streets
Tom Thumb Diner (1950's) 1916 W. 4th Street
In the 1960's, it was the Sherwood Diner
Tony Gees Restaurant 2415 Kirkwood Highway Yes
Toscana 1412 DuPont Street Yes
Tower of London See 2209 Concord Pike, Fairfax Shopping Center
Town & Country Diner Rt 13, Tybout's Corner, New Castle Yes
Town House 913 Shipley Street Yes
Town Talk Restaurant 11th & West Streets Yes
Towne Wharf Restaurant 835 Market Street Yes
Trevi Restaurant 3100 Naamans Road, The Shoppes of Naamans Yes
Twentieth Century Grill 4th & Market Streets
Tyler's 1101 Philadelphia Pike Yes
Up the Creek 1195 E. 7th Street, 1980- Yes
Utage Japanese Restaurant Independence Mall, Concord Pike, 1986-2008
Formerly Port of Starboard, seafood restaurant
Vans Holland House Delaware Avenue & West Street Yes
Veterans Sports Bar 916 Orange Street, 1991-1992
Previously: • Copper Kettle 1960-1982
• Chadwick's Emporium, 1983-1984
• Tequilas Mexican 1985-1987
• Later: Porters 1992-1993
• Scuba 1993-1994
• Churchill's 1996-
Viking Diner Hares Corner, 1950-1972
Dutch Diner 1972- Later, it was moved to become part of the ChesDel Restaurant
Village Restaurant & Lounge Independence Mall
Vincent's Restaurant 2800 Lancaster Avenue Yes
Vincente's Restaurant 1836 W. 4th Street, 1974-
1601 Concord Pike
Volcano Restaurant 1709 Delaware Avenue Yes
Wachter's, formerly the Old Tally-Ho Concord Pike & Naamans Road Yes
Wagon Wheel Bar & Grill Front & French Streets
Walt Poirier's Restaurant 307-309 Delaware Avenue Yes
Walter's Steak House Previous location of the Road House Restaurant.
802 N. Union Street
John Walter Constantinou is the grandson of John Constantinou, the founder of Constantinou's House of Beef. In 1993, Walter opened his steak house and carried on his family's tradition, but in his own way.
Walton's Cafe 210 Union Street
Name changed to Tucker's Ale House, 1986
Warsaw Inn 5th & Church Street
Previously New Garden Cafe, 1940-1961
Washington Street Ale House 1206-1210 Washington Street, 1997- Yes
Waterworks Cafe 16th & French Streets Yes
Weaver's Steak House Rt 40, Elkton, MD Yes
William Penn Diner 2nd & Shipley Streets
Opened in 1941
William Penn Diner Route 13, Hares Conner
Opened in 1931
Wilmington Diner S. Market & C Streets & Yes
Wilmington Sportman's Club
Willow Restaurant DuPont Highway Yes
Wing Wah Restaurant 207 W. 7th Street
Chestnut Hill Plaza
Winklers (Louis and Annie) Restaurant 1419 French Street
Founded 1880 in the old stables and carriage house of the Shipley Mansion.
H.A. Winston & Company Independence Mall, Concord Pike, 1977-
100 Elkton Road, Grainery Station, Newark
Ye Old Tavern 2223 N. Market Street
Closed in 1991
Yetter's Restaurant 3101 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont Yes
Zenbie's 30th & Governor Printz Boulevard Yes
Zim's Restaurant 625 King Street Yes
Zorba's Restaurant Yes
Zubers Restaurant 1330 King Street Yes

Created: February 20, 2012
Revised: February 2, 2025

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