Welcome to the NEW OldWilmington
In 2024, we will celebrate our 25th year on the Internet. When we look back to June 25, 1999, the digital world was a lot different compared to today. So, we wanted to bring our website up to todays world with many new and exciting changes. To begin, the "Nostalgia Page", which is what brought this website into being, is still present and will be greatly expanded with more up-to-date data. With the help from site visitors providing photos, images have expanded ten fold. An important item to mention is the era which the website covers. Instead of the middle decades, it now covers 1900 to 2000 +/-.
Website Visitors
You, our website visitor, is why this site was developed. We hope you enjoy your visit to the new OldWilmington.net/com. We would like to read your comments which you can either "Join" and post on our associated "Facebook Group", post them on our "Forum" or send us an E-Mail:
Wilmington's Theaters
Pictures and history of Wilmington's movie theaters.
Wilmington's Restaurants
Restaurants that are no longer around and others welcoming new customers.
Wilmington's Stores
The stores on Market Street and beyond. Each had its own style, smell and beauty.
Wilmington's Schools
A complete photo history of the schools we all attended.
Wilmington's Radio/TV Stations
From the beginning to now...
Special Presentations
Many nostalgic and historical locations in Wilmington will be given special attention, such as the Wilmington Dry Goods Store.